Recapping 29 Days with Emacs

Before the beginning of the month of February, I endeavored to make February 29 days of exclusively using Emacs to edit code. I wanted to fully immerse myself in Emacs, and force myself to learn its ways. Why? I wanted to understand why people love it, including several friends. I wanted to truly know how it compares to my favorite editor, Vim. I wanted to make myself learn something new.

As you probably guessed, I was unable to exclusively use Emacs for the entire 29 days; I had to open Vim a few times when I felt like I was losing productivity at a time when I could not afford to be losing productivity. This really wasn’t a surprise. I knew trying to stop Vim “cold-turkey”, and replace it with Emacs, would leave me sweating, twitching, and pining for Vim.

That said, Emacs certainly has features that I liked.

Pros before Noes


I tell Emacs what packages I want to definitely be there, and it ensures those packages are present using ELPA and, in my case, Marmalade. The necessary lines in my config look like this:

    (require 'package)
    (add-to-list 'package-archives
      '("marmalade" . "") t)

    (when (not package-archive-contents)

    (defvar my-packages '(starter-kit starter-kit-ruby starter-kit-js js2-mode haml-mode php-mode css-mode markdown-mode)
      "A list of packages to ensure are installed at launch")

    (dolist (p my-packages)
      (when (not (package-installed-p p))
      (package-install p)))

Superior File Finding

Emacs’ “default” method of searching for files is superior to Vim’s. Its auto-complete is better, its matching is better (slightly fuzzy?), and it seems faster. I hate navigating to files using :e in Vim. It is my least favorite aspect of Vim. (I also hate project drawer plugins, and PeepOpen is too slow, and not integrated enough, for my tastes. Let me know if there’s another plugin that I should use.) There’s a plugin for Emacs, textmate.el, that further enhances this (though it uses a different shortcut by default) by restricting it to the project you’re in. I sometimes like this, and sometimes I don’t. Thankfully, I can use both. The plugin textmale.el adds a few other things I like, actually. I was surprised by it. Of course, Chris Wanstrath wrote it, so my surprise was naivety, or maybe just stupidity.

Syntax Checking

This is a bit weird for me. I mean, I would normally argue that I don’t need syntax checking, I don’t need an IDE, I don’t need all that bloat. I would still normally make that argument. However, February wasn’t normal. I have been doing a lot of PHP work. Too much PHP work. Well, any PHP work is too much, but you get the point. PHP makes me stupid, somehow. I end up writing awful code. I end up missing parens and single-quotes and double-quotes and brackets and semi-colons and — if there is a bit of required syntax in PHP, you can bet I’ll figure out a way to forget it or fuck it up. Someone should study me as I write PHP, then study me writing Ruby or Javascript, and then explain to me and the world what about PHP makes me imbecilic.

Using flymake-php, I was able to cut down on those stupid mistakes. I’m not sure it’s always useful, but it was useful in this case.

I actually wrote some elisp to run CoffeeScript through CoffeeLint upon a particular key-chord. It’s not very good, my code, and it isn’t using Flymake. However, it’s a testament to …


Elisp is better than VimL, in my limited experience, but I think even people who write a lot of VimL would agree there. Emacs is fairly obviously more extensible than Vim. To be fair, Emacs and Vim have different philosophies — Vim doesn’t want to do all the stuff that Emacs does. Because I dig the idea of simplicity/minimalism/focusing on a few things and doing them really well, I feel some kinship with Vim. In practice, I own a lot of stuff I don’t need, and I try to do far too many things to truly excel at any single one. There’s a good chance Emacs and I are actually more alike.


Paper Cuts

“Paper cuts”, as in “death by a thousand”, is the best label for the bucket that holds all the small complaints I have about using Emacs. Individually, they aren’t significant; they are but a small cut on a finger tip. Collectively, holy shit balls, my hands hurt. Getting Ruby indentation the way I want it was a pain. Actually, getting to a specific line in a file annoys the piss out of me every single time I do it, and I do it a lot. Perhaps most people don’t navigate files the way I do, but M-g M-g 65 RET is infuriating when compared to 65G.

I think Ross Baker said it best when he said: “Emacs: Hard things made possible. Easy things oftentimes made hard.”

That sums up Emacs’ primary negative, for me. It does leave me with the feeling that I can get Emacs to a point of perfection if I keep trying, though.

Lacking Modal Editing

Of course, M-g M-g 65 RET is merely a side-effect of Emacs not doing modal-editing out of the box. Vim is the modal editor, and that is all it does. Naturally, it is magnificent, if you like that sort of thing. Guess what? I do. I really, really do. Using Emacs (in lieu of Vim) for 29 days did more to convince me that modal editing is the most efficient way to edit text than several years of Vim use. When I completed a task quickly with Vim, after getting frustrated trying to get things done with Emacs, I felt like I needed to smoke a cigarette. Oh yeah, modal-editing. Mmm, yeah.

So, It’s Over?

I really have been using Emacs every day. In fact, it’s open as I type this, with some code from a client’s Rails project in the open buffer. I intend to continue using it in March, even though I can let myself off the hook. However, I do intend to install and use Evil, which grants some modal-editing abilities. I had barred myself from that crutch up until now. I will let you know what I think of it.

I also intend to write a post, at the risk of inciting the next battle in the war, with my view of Emacs versus Vim. Preview: they’re both great.