Y U No Like Verge?

Update: I have become more interested in Verge as life and Fretless progresses. In fact, you’ll probably see me there regularly. I do still pine for a hackers-&-founders-ish meeting, and...

Combining FactoryGirl's Generated Files Into One

If you are using Thoughtbot’s FactoryGirl in a Rails 3 app, you are probably accustomed to the library generating a new file per factory/model it generates. You end up with...

Using Zsh to Rename in Rails

At the Indy.rb Code Review Session (11-30-11), Dan Doezema< asked if there was an easy way to rename a resource>, or the related model, controller, view directory, tests, and potentially...

Deprecation Warnings for proxy_owner in Rails 3.1

In Rails, you are used to doing something like this: has_many :assignments do def root proxy_owner.assignments.where(:ancestry => nil).first end end This way, if you call parent_record.assignments.root, the root method acts...

Learned or Re-Learned in My First 60ish days as a Freelancer

Though it’s only been 60ish days [1], I have finished a few projects,some done well, maybe one done not-so-well. As I have battled my way through the fog of war,...